Berrys Hand and Nail Soak Provides You The Pleasure Of Getting and Giving A Manicure With Ease. Prep Your Nails And Soak Your Fingers Into Berrys Marine Hand and Nail Soak To Soften and Nourish Your Nails For A Manicure and Keep Them Ever-Ready. With Its Marine Essence Keep Your Hands And Nails Shiny and Ready For A Manicure Anytime Anywhere.
Berrys Foot Soaks - Marine-1000ml
₹460 ₹345 (Tax Included)
Berrys Foot Scrub - Rose-500g
₹460 ₹345 (Tax Included)
Berrys Hand & Nail Soak- Marine-1000ml
₹345 (Tax Included)
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