Loreal Professionnel Hair Spa Purifying Ampules (6Pc) Enriched with moisturizing agent glycerine and purified water.This product is available in 6×8 ML format It Deeply Treats And Gorges The Fiber With Nutrients And Moisture For Healthy, Soft & Shiny Hair Full Of Life.Features:Hair spa Purifying concentrate for Anti Dandruff – pack of 6 ampules (8mlx6) Best used with hair spa deep nourishing cram bath Please read description for the complete hair spa process This concentrate for dry sensitive scalp is based on purified water , moisturising agent glycerine, and it is perfume less The formula helps to leave the scalp soft and supple

Loreal Professional Hair Spa Purifying Concentrate 8Ml X 6 Pcs

Loreal Professional Hair Spa Purifying Concentrate 8Ml X 6 Pcs
₹799 (Tax Included)
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